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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 07:56   #1
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Predefinito ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

su un giornale,ma vigliaccamente non sono riuscita a finire l'articolo,che un gruppo di scienziati cuce gli occhi ai gatti(non so per quale scopo(?) scientifico!!!
Qualcuno e' informato??

ringrazio per l'iscrizione a questo forum
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 11:38   #2
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orso bruno
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

mah , sai tante notizie sono fake , ad esempio su yahoo leggi che i biellesi fanno il brodo con una biscia per il risotto , ovviamente e lo dico da biellese , nessuno fa il brodo con le miraude a Biella , questo per dire che oramai si scrive tutto e il contrario di tutto facebook docet , la carta stampata pur di vendere scrive certe @@@@@@@ alllucinanti , poi che senso avrebbe cucire occhi ai gatti ? ma dai
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 12:36   #3
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Va lentina
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

Beh, dipende. Ti pare che potrebbero scrivere una cosa simile e lasciare anche solo un minimo dubbio che possa trattarsi di maltrattamento? Sicuramente c'è una ragione, più che valida. Se avessi finito di leggere l'articolo forse avresti avuto le idee più chiare e soprattutto le avremmo avute noi. Io ad esempio so che in taluni casi, per superare una grave patologia oftalmica, si devono proprio cucire le palpebre E a volte anche la terza...

Baldo...canterò il tuo nome come la valle canta l'eco delle campane; ascolterò il linguaggio della tua anima come la spiaggia ascolta la storia delle onde.
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 12:37   #4
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Utente dal: 04 2011
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

si tratta di una ricerca sulla deprivazione sensoriale nei gatti durante le prime 12 settimane di vita, cuciono gli occhi per vedere come si comporta un essere vivente privato di alcuni stimoli...purtroppo sugli animali ne fanno di tutte con lo scopo di fare inutili ricerche...
e' una ricerca che stanno facendo in un'universita' inglese, mi pare York ma non vorrei dire cavolate...
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 14:08   #5
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

.. Cardiff, non York..
.. e MAGARI avessero solo cucito gli occhi..

"“In the experiment at Cardiff University, 31 cats were used. Most of the kittens, other than the control group, were raised in complete darkness from birth for periods of up to 12 weeks. Others were deprived of the sight in one eye from one-month old for up to a week, by having their eyelids sewn shut.

“The kittens were then anaesthetised, and their skulls cut open to expose their brains. Images were recorded of the responses of the cats’ brains (visual cortex) to visual stimuli, after which the cats were killed and parts of their brains removed for further analysis. The experiment was publicly funded through the Medical Research Council.”

Wales Online reports that the university denies that the experiments are cruel, saying they are conducted in accordance with Home Office guidelines. Results were published in the European Journal of Neuroscience. The work is purportedly meant to benefit understanding of human anatomy, and the purpose of the kitten experiments was to study the relation between vision in both eyes and brain by subjecting the 31 cats to differing degrees of “sensory experience and deprivation”."

The experiments at Cardiff University have been described by animal rights activists and campaigners as “cruel.” The experiments in question used young kittens who had their eyes sewn shut and newborn kitties raised in complete darkness.

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) reported it had learned about the trials being undertaken by academics from Cardiff University.

The chief executive of the group – which opposes all forms of animal experimentation – called the experiments “unacceptable cruel research.”

But the university denied the research was cruel, saying it was carried out under the terms of strict Home Office licence with the aim of understanding medical conditions in humans.

Scientists at the university, in their published study in the European Journal of Neuroscience said that they were

subjecting 31 cats to differing degrees of “sensory experience and deprivation.”

According to their horrific methodology, one group of the kittens was raised, immediately after birth in complete and total darkness for as many as 12 weeks.

The scientists did allow the mother to be with her babies.

In a separate group, the kittens were raised in a “normal” manner, before going into surgery “under anaesthetic for monocular deprivation.”

That is a nice way of saying the scientists sewed the kittens eyes closed.

More shocking than the sewing closed of the eyes, the scientists also reported opening up the kittens skulls and placing cameras inside their brain.

The scientists said: “We compared normally-reared subjects with cats raised in darkness from birth for various lengths of time.

“A total of 31 cats were used in this study.

“The first group of animals were raised in a normal 12-hour light/dark cycle until 10 days, 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 12 weeks and one year of age.

“Another group was raised in complete darkness from birth, together with their mother until 3 weeks, 5 weeks and 12 weeks of age.

“A fifth group was normally reared and then underwent [monocular deprivation] by lid suture under general anesthesia either starting at postnatal day 30 or 32 for two days or starting at postnatal day 28 for seven days.”

While animal testing continues across the globe, the Cardiff Council has called these particular experiments “reprehensible.”

According to recent studies, less than three percent of animal experiments achieve positive, actual applications, for human use. Take penicillin, for example. When the drug was being developed, had animal testing been used, it never would have been created and used by the general public.

Penicillin kills monkeys, an often used animal in experiments by scientists and researchers.

Other vaccines also are devastating to animal populations, and the polio vaccine, which often killed and used kidney’s from monkeys in Africa, has often been cited as the beginning of the AIDS epidemic after kidneys from monkeys infected with the animal version of the virus were slaughtered and their blood and tissue was used as part of trials in the Congo, which gave the virus to the human population.

Ministro Zuril, Lady Gandal, Wilhelmina, Romeo, Jones, Diana, Jack ( ed Indy e Kiki per sempre nel cuore )

Ultima Modifica di DonPepeDeVega; 30-07-2012 at 14:12.
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 18:00   #6
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

Ecco , grazie per la correzione , l'orrore non cambia purtroppo ...
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Vecchio 30-07-2012, 18:12   #7
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

Che orrore!!!
E permettono certe cose??!!!
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Vecchio 31-07-2012, 09:34   #8
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L'avatar di  DonPepeDeVega
Utente dal: 11 2007
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

.. scusate mi ero dimenticato la fonte : http://www.bikyamasr.com/73451/cardi...parking-anger/

Ministro Zuril, Lady Gandal, Wilhelmina, Romeo, Jones, Diana, Jack ( ed Indy e Kiki per sempre nel cuore )
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Vecchio 31-07-2012, 09:36   #9
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Predefinito Re: ho letto.....che cuciono gli occhi dei gatti

ma che cosa orribile.....
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Vecchio 01-08-2012, 10:22   #10
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ho ritrovato l'articolo

Originariamente inviato da mpaola Visualizza Messaggio
su un giornale,ma vigliaccamente non sono riuscita a finire l'articolo,che un gruppo di scienziati cuce gli occhi ai gatti(non so per quale scopo(?) scientifico!!!
Qualcuno e' informato??

ringrazio per l'iscrizione a questo forum

metto anche qui il link dell'articolo

nessun ente per la protezione animali ha fatto nulla ancora???
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